
Meilleurs Voeux, May





我一直保留你离开前在冰箱上的纸条,叮咛我多多喝水、不要浪费食物、好好照顾自己。我想,留言更像是一次提醒,提醒着我们友谊,只要每次开关冰箱就看见。 以前,我们的友情都是温和的,像细水流,虽然很近我们见面的时间却很少。在你面对人生逆境时,我们反而更加靠近,是因为友谊里的了解、谅解、贴心和支持吧。

后来你在国外那几年,常常读你的信,心里为你牵挂,因为了解你的为难和压力,而我却只能默默支持。当你终于从低谷中勇敢站起来,我不得不为你鼓掌喝采!从你的勇气和你现在亮丽的笑容里,让我更加相信人生没有什么面对不了的。 (我努力地向你学习...)



Hanapatria said...

I enjoy reading your blog and it has been my habit of checking out what you will be writing next. Your have good taste in your photography I am thinking may be you are a photographer. And the topics are usually humanistic or sentimental. And most of all its written in Chinese language and you always are so sweet and humble and real. I have a Dell, is it possible for me to use the Chinese software in it. In which case I think I should also use a different keyboard? I suppose? Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts, keep going.

恩妮 said...

HI, Hanapatria

Thank you for reading my blog, always. i am not a photographer, i am still at the begining and learning level, but i like to see from the eyes, and my job related to photography. errrr..if you hv window XP, then, you are able to use the chinese software. i am using the Chinese Star, by "汉语拼音", no need diff keyboard. hv a nice day

Anonymous said...

Thanks you my dear friend...Thanks for everything everything... I had a wonderful wedding, more far than i could imagined, simple, warm, full of joy ...... Thanks you all, without the supported from you all, i wont be here ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks you my dear friend...Thanks for everything everything... I had a wonderful wedding, more far than i could imagined, simple, warm, full of joy ...... Thanks you all, without the supported from you all, i wont be here ...May

恩妮 said...

Salut May... so happy to learn that you had a wonderful, beautiful wedding. Seize the day!