When I was small
And Christmas trees were tall
We used to love while others used to play
Don't ask me why the time has passed us by
Someone else moved in from far away
Now we are tall
And Christmas trees are small
And you don't ask the time of day
But you and I, our love will never die
Guess who'll cry come First of May
The apple tree that grew for you and me
I watch the apples falling one by one
And I recall the moment of them all
The day I kissed your cheek and you were gone。
這首bee gee 的老歌, 很多人耳能詳熟,聼了日本emi fujita的版本,她溫柔輕飄的聲音,很能沁入人心。
喜歡這首歌,雖然題目是五月,可是歌詞提到聖誕樹, 非常12月。
藉以這首歌,願大家聖誕節快樂, 還有平安冬至!